She is beautiful, She is attractive, smart, humble and she has all that it takes to, just let me leave it at that point but you know what I mean right?? Ooowkay
Call her CELESTINE MNG’ARO, and she comes from Migadini (Coast) started modeling back in high school where she was crowned as Miss Kola girls. After secondary education she later proceeded with her modeling career and She joined Mr. & Miss Mariaknani (Coast) competition which happened on 26th of December 2015 and was again crowned as Miss Mariakani (Coast) 2015/2016.

In 2016 she joined Miss tourism Kilifi for another competition but this time round she didn’t win though she managed to be among the top  5 Winners….She is still interested in perusing  her dream of becoming Miss Kenya,
 Miss Africa then Miss World someday….

Miss Celestine is currently pursuing Hair Dressing & Beauty Therapy at International college which is Rizlar located at Pembe za Ndovu Mombasa.

Her Hobbies includes; dancing and singing

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